Do you feel sore, tired, irritable or weak? Have you noticed
that your gains have plateaued? These could be signs that your cortisol levels
are out of whack. Learning to control this muscle-eroding hormone will increase
your muscle mass
Cortisol is a stress hormone that's truly the antithesis of
testosterone: whereas testosterone supports muscle building, excess cortisol
kills it. Besides tearing down muscle tissue and preventing the body from
storing carbs as muscle glycogen, cortisol actually lowers testosterone. It
also interferes with testosterone's ability to bind to its receptors within
muscle cells and induce an anabolic effect. When testosterone levels drop, not
only does it become harder to build muscle and recover, but estrogen tends to
have a stronger effect in the body. Estrogen is correlated with water
retention, and it also makes shedding body fat a lot more difficult.
Cortisol levels can be elevated for a variety of reasons;
hardcore training itself can induce this rise. It's important that bodybuilders
learn how to control their cortisol levels to keep making the best gains. If
you suffer from the symptoms mentioned earlier, institute the following
suggestions to help get your cortisol levels under control.
1. Stay on top of your workout nutrition As mentioned,
cortisol rises when you train, it's a natural reaction. One of the best ways to
avoid excessively elevated cortisol levels is to be disciplined with your post
workout nutrition. By supplying your body with exactly what it needs as soon as
the work-out is done, you'll jump-start your recovery and help blunt cortisol
After your workout, take in 30-50 grams (g) of whey protein
with 60 to 100 g of carbs. Maltodextrin is easy, but you can take in other
fast-digesting carbs such as rice cakes, white bread or cold cereal. You can
also add 5 g of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to the mix, or take them
before you work out. BCAAs before exercise help maintain testosterone levels
and can be used to fuel muscles. Leucine, one of the BCAAs, also spikes insulin
levels through a different mechanism than carbs, and insulin helps in the
suppression of cortisol. Whey provides building blocks that help prevent
catabolism muscle breakdown and
preventing catabolism is directly related to lower cortisol levels. Finally,
the carbs in this combo spike insulin to further offset protein breakdown.
2. Control your workouts Training volume can have a direct
impact on cortisol levels. If you're over training you're taking your body past
the point where you can make the best gains. Follow these rules to make the
most of your muscle-building regime.
Limit weight training to four sessions per week. Training
more frequently prevents the body from attaining a full recovery.
Keep sessions to no more than an hour. When you perform too
many sets and exercises in a given session, you can break down your muscle
tissue too much. Limiting the length of your training sessions helps avoid
Emphasize multijoint movements. Exercises such as squats,
deadlifts and bench presses are the most effective at stimulating muscle growth
while helping to limit total training volume. They also best stimulate growth
hormone (GH) and testosterone, which can help blunt cortisol.
Avoid excessive pumping and finishing movements. When you
perform numerous sets and reps of these types of exercises, you can raise your
cortisol levels too high without stimulating as much muscle growth. Try to keep
pumping and finishing movements to no more than three sets per body part at the
end of the workout.
3. Be careful with your cardio If cardio exercise burned
only body fat, then you could hop on a bike and cycle your way into the record
books as the most ripped human ever. The problem is, though, that prolonged and
excessive cardio causes an increase in cortisol, and this situation can begin
to prioritize muscle tissue as an energy source, tearing it down instead of
helping to build it.
How much is too much cardio? I'd say anything more than five
sessions a week and try to keep it to no
more than four times per week when you're not being strict with your diet.
Thirty minutes per session is also enough, except when you're trying to get
really ripped.
4. Eat six meals a day The benefits of eating multiple meals
per day are numerous. Besides allowing you to stay lean, a diet strategy of
smaller and more frequent meals has been shown to keep cortisol levels lower
than less-frequent feedings. Multiple meals at any calorie level will result in
greater cortisol control than less-frequent meals, and we know keeping cortisol
in check yields less fat, more muscle, better recovery and more energy. Strive
to take in six meals per day throughout all phases of your training program.
5. Take vitamin C This water-soluble vitamin cushions the
negative effects of free radicals, compounds that are released with hardcore
training. Free radicals target tissues such as muscles, weakening them and
increasing inflammation and breakdown. When this happens, cortisol levels spike.
By providing your body with antioxidants, such as vitamin C, you can help
control cortisol. One study showed that a daily dose of 1,000 milligrams (mg)
helped weightlifters keep cortisol under control. A good bet is to take 1,000
mg with your post-training meal, when free radicals are most likely to be
present. Don't go to the extreme and take a mega dose, though, because new
research shows that excessive vitamin C could actually be detrimental.
6. Supplement with vitamin E This fat-soluble vitamin offers
many versatile benefits. Primarily, vitamin E helps combat the oxi-dative
stress of training and dieting. Like vitamin C, vitamin E is also helpful at
combating free radicals. Large amounts of vitamin E have been shown to decrease
creatine kinase activity, a marker for muscle-fiber injury. That's what happens
when you train. It's the irony of trying to get big: you tear down your muscles
to rebuild them and make them grow bigger. Taking 800 international units of
vitamin E daily may help to prevent severe breakdown, which, in theory, should
allow you to recover more quickly from your training.
7. Try phosphatidylserine Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a
phospholipid, a quasi fat that is derived from soy beans. PS has been shown to
help control cortisol levels. When you take 800 mg immediately after training,
it saves muscles by blunting the total amount of cortisol released by your
body. In theory, you can train like a madman and rapidly recover if you follow
up the hard training with this anticortisol supplement. Another benefit is that
when you keep cortisol levels under control, it's easier for your muscles to
carb up. With escalating cortisol levels, muscles
experience a downgrade in their ability to take up carbs and deposit
them as stored muscle glycogen.
8. Eat (or supplement with) garlic This bulbous flavorful
herb common to Asian, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cooking has a
long-deserved reputation as a health food. Recent research has shown that
garlic along with a high-casein diet altered the body's hormonal status,
yielding lower levels of stress hormones such as cortisol. Other studies have
shown that garlic may help increase testosterone levels. In general, the higher
your testosterone levels, the lower your cortisol levels. So supplement with
garlic powder 450 mg twice daily with
meals or with a garlic supplement that provides about 4 mg of allicin with
casein protein shakes. This may help keep cortisol to a minimum.
9. Get your glutamine You knew it had to show up here, right?
Recent studies have pooh-poohed glutamine's beneficial effects on cortisol
levels, but I disagree. There are many other studies that take a pro-glutamine
view in muscle building. Glutamine works to spare BCAAs, and keeping BCAAs high
helps keep cortisol levels from rising. In addition, glutamine pushes water
into muscles, and hydrated muscles remain anabolic. Several studies show that
supplemental glutamine can help keep cortisol levels in check.
Glutamine can help suppress the amount of cortisol circulating
in blood. Glutamine also increases GH levels, combating cortisols catabolic
effects. For a beneficial effect on cortisol levels, athletes may need a lot
more glutamine than amounts that are often suggested. I recommend taking 5 to
10 g before and another 5 to 10 g after training to help reduce cortisol
10. Add arginine to your supplement regime Arginine is now
touted as a nitric oxide inducer; yet, it remains an effective GH releaser.
Arginine may also have effects on cortisol levels. When GH levels rise, which
naturally occurs with sleep, cortisol levels fall. As you get older, the sleep-induced
GH boost just isn't what it used to be, which allows cortisol levels to rise.
Rising cortisol makes it harder for your body to grow, to hold mass and to get
lean. Take 9 to 12 g of arginine before bed without carbs to increase GH levels
and to blunt cortisol.