It's that time again. Time to dispel some of the prevailing
fitness and nutrition myths -- oh and believe me, there are many. Whether it’s coming from the media,
athletes, celebrities, or friends, there are countless exercise myths that are
widely accepted as fact.
So pull up a chair, put aside your "lose 50 pounds by
eating only grapefruit" article and open your mind for just a little
while. You may disagree with these facts, but that's what keeps the myths
And, away we go…
MYTH: Women will get
big if they weight train.
A woman has approximately one-third the testosterone
compared to a man, so putting on a ton of muscle is not going to happen. The
women you see in the magazines who look big and manly are on steroids, growth
hormones, etc. You may look bulky if you're carrying excessive body fat and
building muscle. However, if you're reducing body fat, you'll eventually be
able to see those lean, defined muscles.
MYTH: Low Reps Bulk and High Reps Tone.
Another very common fitness myth is the idea that using high
reps with light weights is best for building and toning long lean muscles while
using low reps and/or heavy weights builds bulky muscles.
All weight training provides relatively the same stimulus to
your body whether you are looking to tone your muscles or build huge bulky
Whether your muscles become toned or bulky depends primarily
on the caloric balance of your diet.
Anyone can use both high reps/low weight, and low reps/heavy
weight to accomplish muscle toning or muscle bulking in a training program,
diet causes the body to respond to the stimulus accordingly.
I see a lot of people in the gym five to six days a week,
and they'd be better off playing ping pong. Consistency and level of effort is
the key. I'd rather see someone work out three days per week with enthusiasm
and intensity, than five inconsistent days of lackadaisical effort. In fact,
for those clients that have trouble with motivation, I recommend only two days
of workouts per week, but they must do it every week.
MYTH: Spot reducing
is possible.
The human body loses fat over the entire body at various
rates of speed. It's impossible to spot reduce. If you're focusing on only
losing fat that sits on your hips, it won't work. Generally, the first place
you gain fat is the last place you lose it.
MYTH: Stretching
prevents injuries.
After analyzing the results of six studies, researchers at
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention could not find any
correlation between stretching and injury prevention. According to Dr. Julie
Gilchrist, one of the researchers involved with the study, "Stretching
increases flexibility, but most injuries occur within the normal range of
motion." Dr. Gilchrist goes on to say, Stretching and warming up have just
gone together for decades. It's simply what's done, and it hasn't been
approached through rigorous science."
Make no mistake: A stretching program is not without
benefits. Seven of nine studies suggest that a regular stretching program does
help to strengthen muscles. However, it does not appear to actually prevent
injuries. Warming up prior to exercise and increasing blood flow to the muscles
is actually more conducive to injury prevention. I'm not suggesting that you
eliminate stretching. It is valuable and flexibility is certainly important as
we age. However, we may be off base assuming it's an injury-prevention
MYTH: One should lose
weight before they begin an exercise program.
There is no physiological reason to lose weight prior to
beginning an exercise program. Exercise is the best thing for your health, and
there is no time like the present to start. There are too many benefits of
exercise to list here, but you're doing every system and cell in your body a
world of good by exercising. Any amount -- starting with five minutes a day --
is beneficial.
Fat loss and muscle gain are only two of the many benefits
that your body will experience from exercising. Each day will get a little
easier as you become more fit. There is no justification for waiting to
begin--unless you have orders from your doctor.
Whether you exercise with 20 percent body fat or 30 percent
body fat, you'll still be providing your body with the same benefits. When you
carry less weight, you can move a little more easily, and it may be less strenuous
on your heart. You can be more fit at 30 percent body fat if you are exercising
than if you try to achieve 20 percent body fat without exercising.
The goal is to gain or preserve muscle and lose fat -- not
just lose weight (which implies both muscle and fat).
MYTH: Eating a lot
less or going on a crash diet will get the results you seek.
This was a dietary strategy popularized prior to the 1980s.
People would go on crash diets like the grapefruit diet and lose weight --
meaning muscle and fat. They assumed just eating less would take care of
Today, we know total calories are important, but so are the
amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats in the diet.
A slight caloric deficit (less than maintenance) must be
adhered to, as well as eating small meals and snacks every two to three hours.
This helps to control blood sugar; and it is a fact that blood-sugar control
will help you to lose fat.
MYTH: Performing
countless abdominal crunches thinking it will get rid of the "pooch"
area on the lower tummy/abdominal area.
I get a question related to this issue approximately 20
times per week. It is not possible to spot reduce any area of the body. The
real solution is to reduce overall body fat through a slight caloric deficit,
add resistance exercise (weight training) to stimulate the metabolism, and
cardiovascular exercise to burn additional calories. That's the way to fat
Performing crunches will never reduce the abdominal area
because it only serves to strengthen muscle, not flatten a specific area. Just
as 200 bicep curls will not make the arm smaller, nor will 200 abdominal
crunches make the waist smaller. You cannot spot reduce any part of the body.
It's just not physiologically possible.
MYTH: Performing a
lot of cardio is the best way to lose fat.
Some people go up to 90 minutes or longer on a cardio
machine. The problem with this strategy is it's completely ineffective. It's a
poor method to lose body fat and a real time waster. You can work out for long
sessions with moderate intensity or use shorter sessions with higher intensity
(based on your fitness level). You can't do both!
The shorter, more-intense session will burn more overall
calories and preserve muscle, which will make you look tight and lean when you
get to your scale weight goal. In addition, the shorter, intense sessions will
have a more profound effect on the calories you continue to burn 24 hours after
completing the session.
Want to lose fat efficiently through cardio? Pick up your
pace a bit and try to get a more intense and efficient 30 to 45 minutes. You
don't need to be huffing and puffing for dear life, just increase the intensity
a bit and keep it sustained at a higher level within your target heart-rate
MYTH: Calories are
the only thing that counts when trying to lose fat or gain muscle.
Ratios of proteins, carbohydrates and fats are also
important. The key to losing fat and gaining muscle is controlling and
manipulating insulin levels. In simple terms, when we consume excessive
calories or excessive amounts of high glycemic carbohydrates at one meal, the
body's blood sugar rises. When this happens, the pancreas secretes insulin to
lower blood sugar levels.
One of the many drawbacks of this happening excessively is,
along with putting you at risk for diabetes, the body also holds onto stored
fat! A balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats works most efficiently in
losing fat and gaining muscle. Don't forget, the ultimate key to a lean and tight body is
the combination of proper nutrition, exercise and consistency. As always, check with your doctor before starting any
exercise program.
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